Longboard Trucks
Which Longboard Trucks Are Right for Me?
Trucks play a vital role in configuring your longboard. They are the T-shaped components that attach the wheels to the deck, enabling turning capabilities. The selection of trucks should align with the kind of longboarding you plan to pursue.
Your deck style will influence whether you require top-mount trucks or a drop-through mounting system. When using top-mount trucks, affix the entire truck assembly beneath the deck. For decks that feature drop-through holes at both ends, disassemble the trucks, pass the baseplate and kingpin through the deck, and attach the hanger underneath.
Top-mounted trucks are known for excellent maneuverability and quick response, whereas drop-through trucks offer enhanced stability and easier pushing.
How Large Should My Longboard Trucks Be?
Longboard truck hangers usually range from 150 mm to 180 mm in width. Ideally, the trucks should closely match the width of your board but may vary in size. Wider trucks enhance stability but make turning challenging and increase the chance of wheel bite. Conversely, narrower trucks allow for easier turns but are less stable.
What Is the Optimal Angle for Longboard Trucks?
The correct truck angle significantly affects longboard turning. The angle refers to the kingpin's tilt in relation to the baseplate, usually between 35° and 55°. Higher angles typically offer increased maneuverability and turning ability, with angles around 50° being commonly preferred for carving, cruising, and beginners. Lower angles cater to seasoned riders desiring maximum speeds on downhill stretches.
Are you in need of trucks for other boards? Explore our variety of Skateboard Trucks and Cruiser Trucks.