Complete Surfskates
Defining Complete Surfskates
Surfskates, at times called surf skateboards or surfboard skateboards, offer the sensation of surfing through city streets. Unlike skateboards and longboards, surfskates feature a unique truck at the front, emulating the movements and feelings of riding a wave. This innovative design allows for pumping without placing your foot on the ground.
A complete surf skateboard comes fully assembled, ready for you to ride immediately after unboxing.
Choosing the Right Size: Surfskate Edition
Complete surf skates are available in a variety of sizes, typically featuring decks that span 30 to 40 inches. Generally, the taller you are, the longer the deck you might prefer. Consider your history with surfskating and other board sports as well. For example, shorter surfskates enable the sharpest turns and exhibit heightened agility, while longer ones provide greater balance and stability. Thus, many novices might opt to start with a longer surf skateboard.
Understanding the Difficulty of Surfskating
Surfskating stands as a distinctive board sport and serves as an effective surf training tool. It is appropriate for individuals across all skill levels and ages, and you do not need prior skateboarding or longboarding experience. However, practice is vital for mastering the balance necessary for safe surfskating. Keep in mind that surfskating is about leisurely cruising and enjoyment, so progress at your own speed while embracing that relaxed California surf atmosphere.
If you're eager to delve into surfskating, make sure to peruse our Surfskating for Beginners Guide.