
Mylec Hockey

Mylec Hockey stands at the forefront of ice hockey sans ice. This American firm manufactures a variety of equipment for off-ice and street hockey, including hockey sticks, nets, and gloves. Their products are crafted from high-quality plastic, delivering items that are both lightweight and sturdy. A case in point is Mylec's innovative hockey balls, which are celebrated for their "no bounce" feature, closely mimicking the experience of a traditional ice hockey puck.

Established in 1970 in Massachusetts, Mylec takes pride in its status as the first street hockey brand. The company has continually expanded its offerings, aiming to elevate street hockey from simply a practice method for ice hockey to a standalone sport.

One of the standout features of Mylec's gear is its ease of transport, allowing you to enjoy off-ice or street hockey no matter where you reside.

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