
Darkstar Skateboards

Darkstar Skateboards is a legendary brand recognized for offering complete skateboards and skateboard decks at economical prices. Initially, the company focused solely on producing Darkstar wheels, but due to its success and high demand, it expanded to include quality decks, complete boards, and apparel. Their products are distinguished by striking designs featuring gothic graphics and motifs like snakes, dragons, and skulls.

Founded by Chet Thomas in 1997, the Darkstar brand operates under Dwindle Distribution, headquartered in El Segundo, California. By 2005, Dwindle Distribution became the largest skateboard company globally. The company was founded by Steve Rocco alongside professional skateboarder Rodney Mullen.

Choosing to ride with Darkstar assures you that your deck will boast impressively detailed graphics. The decks, wheels, and completes from Darkstar are robust, dependable, and a fantastic option for many riders.

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