Pro Scooters
Pro Scooter - Elevate Your Scootering Game
Pro scooters, also known as trick scooters, are extremely durable and specifically crafted for stunts and tricks. This version of a scooter is an evolution from the traditional scooter. Trick scooters came into existence when individuals began engaging in "freestyle" on scooters, which conventional scooters could not withstand due to the demands of stunts.
Features of Pro Scooters
While pro scooters resemble ordinary scooters, most stunt scooters are non-foldable, and their height is fixed. This design choice results in a robust and durable trick scooter.
There is often a desire for scooters that offer strength and lightness, although these attributes do not always align. Manufacturers are innovating with materials and unique constructions. As a result, purchasing specialized scooter parts can sometimes be costlier than acquiring a complete scooter.
Manufacturers focus particularly on improving:
- Sturdy bottom (deck) and neck
- Lighter yet stronger wheels
- Single-piece constructions
- Reinforced bars
- Enhanced clamps
High-end pro scooters are generally equipped with compression systems like SCS, ICS and HIC. Although each has its distinctive design, all provide a more stable steering mechanism.
Opting for a Standard or Custom Trick Scooter?
All these trick scooters come as complete sets, composed of parts produced by the same company. This ensures compatibility and is more economical than purchasing parts separately.
You will find numerous standard trick scooters suitable for both novices and advanced users. The price variation among stunt scooters often reflects a difference in the quality of their components.
Experienced riders frequently prefer trick scooters with top-quality parts, opting to purchase a custom pro scooter. This category includes both expertly assembled complete scooters and scooters you can assemble yourself.
At SkatePro, we offer custom-built scooters, crafted by our specialists. Alternatively, you can fully customize your own scooter using our Custom Scooter Builder tool.
Further information about pro scooters is available here.